Catullus wrote both elegy and invective. In some poems he is drowning in his love for Lesbia, in others insulting friends and in others still being downright enigmatic and confusing. This Saturday Afternoon Seminar will unpick a broad range of his work to uncover the persona of Catullus as presented in his words. We will look at the relationship he had with Lesbia and through a close reading of a broad range the poems, uncover the way he saw and thought about his lover, the Roman world and its people. Participants are advised to read a selection of Catullus’ work in preparation.
In Bed with Catullus
This Saturday Seminar will unpick a broad range of his work to uncover the persona of Catullus as presented in his words. We will look at the relationship he had with Lesbia and through a close reading of a broad range the poems, uncover the way he saw and thought about his lover, the Roman world and its people.
Price: £35.00
This Saturday Seminar will unpick a broad range of his work to uncover the persona of Catullus as presented in his words. We will look at the relationship he had with Lesbia and through a close reading of a broad range the poems, uncover the way he saw and thought about his lover, the Roman world and its people.
Price: £35.00
For more information and to book go to:, email, call Gina on 07873-561560