Grammar and Syntax – An Intensive Course

Correct grammar and syntax are extremely important parts of creating a strong academic argument.  Incorrect sentence structure, punctuation and choice of language can drag the marks of a piece of writing down considerably.  It is very disappointing when work does not attract the mark you were hoping for – particularly when you have worked hard at and thought that it was very good.  But it does not matter how hard you work, or how brainy you are, if you cannot get your argument on the page in a coherent, strongly structured way, you will not get the marks that you deserve.

This intensive four week course teaches you how to use language, punctuation and grammar to illustrate your ideas in a way that makes them into a strong argument.  There will be interactive exercises in class as well as short pieces of work to carry out as preparation for the next session.  The teaching will be proactive and reactive according to each individual participant.

Participants are asked to assemble a range of feedback they have received in previous academic work as well as create the beginnings of a plan which will be worked on in class and built on as a practical example of correct grammar and syntax.  Working in this way, each participant will be able, and encouraged, to find their own academic voice within an exemplar which can be followed for future academic work.



Grammar and Syntax - An Intensive Course
This intensive four week course teaches you how to use language, punctuation and grammar to illustrate your ideas in a way that makes them into a strong argument. There will be interactive exercises in class as well as short pieces of work to carry out as preparation for the next session. The teaching will be proactive and reactive according to each individual participant.
Price: £110.00

For more information and to book go to:, email, call Gina on 07828199547